Charade (Transmutation #2)

by Alice Sabo

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As Elaan learns about who and what her species can do, the galactic government pressures her for more information on the enemy that they are hiding from. Hunter and Trash want to reconnoiter the enemy’s territory, but they have to find it first. In the chaos of the brand new Iguacan embassy, Elaan must decide which secrets are too dangerous to share. Hunter’s past endangers them all when a woman he’s never met makes revelations about his origins.

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Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: Minor profanity used occasionally
Sexual Content: Sexual acts implied but not described
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Everyone (no target age)
Violence: Death, but minimal violence


Geography: Space - Beyond Our Galaxy
Realism: Science well beyond modern definitions, bordering on fantasy
Setting Type: Space
Time Period: Far Future (3000+)

Main Character

Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Race: Irrelevant
Religion: Irrelevant
Sexual Preference: Irrelevant or N/A

Styles & Themes

Humor: Moments of levity
Inspires Reader to Feel: Confused/Questioning
Mysteries & Puzzles: Significant mystery(ies) are core to driving the story
Pacing: Moves quickly
Physical Action: Minor and occasional action
Political/Social Commentary: Story includes metaphors for social or political theme(s)
Romance: Minor romance, not a significant story driver
Genre Science Fiction
  • World is similar to ours, but plot elements transcend modern science
  • Science stretched but possible (possible science of the near future)
  • Science of far future, attempts for rigorous accuracy
  • Science well beyond modern definitions, bordering on fantasy
Setting Type:
  • Post-Apocalyptic
  • Space
Time Period:
  • 2020 - 2030
  • 2030 - 2050
  • 2050 - 2100
  • 2100 - 2200
  • 2200 - 3000
  • Far Future (3000+)


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About the author

Alice Sabo

Alice Sabo is the author of science fiction, fantasy and mystery novels. She lives in North Carolina, where she gardens with hopes of outwitting the ravenous wildlife. You can find all her series, the order in which to read them, along with maps and other extras on her website.

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