Proven Pricing Strategies

by Frank Kern

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"Secrets of Price Optimization Revealed!"

Let me take you back five years for a moment. While I was working on my online business with about 12 months of experience and one measly website under my belt, I discovered something that was so significant, from the day I found this (by accident might I add) I never did business in the same way again. Because of this one simple fact, my profits immediately, and to this date have been multiplied by 10 times! All at a cost of oh.. lets see.. 60 seconds of my time per day. That’s a pretty painless way to get yourself such a significant increase in the size of your monthly paycheck. So how did it happen and what does it mean for your business? I’ll tell you.. So I thought hey, I’m going to see if I can get enough cash for a laptop, I’m going to increase my price ten fold in an ethical manner just once, just for that night, so I did. On waking up the next morning I was hoping to open up my e-mails and see enough cash to buy myself a shiny new laptop. What I actually got however was unimaginable, something that knocked me off my chair quite literally. I accidentally earned enough to buy myself 6 brand spanking new top of the range laptops. A complete accident that I’ve been studying and honing for the past five years, and finally, I have it sussed. I know what makes it work, why it works, how it works and how it can be applied to almost any online business with miniscule time investments on the part of the owner, and no cash what-so-ever. * Discover how I increased the sale price of my first product by ten times and still made four times more sales than I had at the lower price. Are you charging too little for the products you put your all into creating? * Pricing strategies and the bigger picture. How do you select the price at which you’re going to sell your products? By looking at the competition most people would reply. There are however several more factors that I’ll discuss with you that can allow you to charge five times what your competition is charging and still outsell them by an incredible amount. (It’s tips like these that force me to limit the number of a product I’ll sell). * Times have changed, did you keep up? Pricing strategies are changing, and they’re changing faster than ever before. Most can’t keep up, or don’t know whether they’re too expensive or too cheap. I’m going to show you exactly why you can almost never be too expensive and how to spot it before taking a sales hit when you are. * Why I’m banning some marketing words. The language you use in your sales material might actually be casting a negative light on your products and services with regards to their price, so much so that I banned them from my vocabulary. I’ll show you why if you ban them from yours too, your sales can skyrocket in a matter of days. * Learn the truth about trials and lead generation. Not sure how to go about getting leads, but still be making sales at the same time without interrupting your sales process? Not sure what to charge for your trial, or how you can even adapt a trial to your business in the first place? We’ll talk through these points here. * Get your customers talking. Adding value to your product isn’t all about pre-sales marketing buzz words that get your customers to buy your products once. Learn the ‘little something extra’ method that substantially increased my backend sales and repeat custom, techniques that I’m confident can do the same for any online business. * Bonuses done right. Everyone offers bonuses for their products nowadays, but I can tell you right now that at least half of them are devaluing their products by doing so. I’ll show you why I know this is the case, and how you can avoid it negatively effecting your sales.


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Knowledge Elements

Reading Intent

Purpose: Skills
Reader's Existing Knowledge: Beginner (introduction)
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Everyone (no target age)

Example Forms

Author's Personal Anecdotes: Some
Citations: None
Examples and Case Studies: Occasional examples or case studies
Exercises and Reader Questions: Some questions or exercises

Writing Style

Humor: Serious
Narrative: First person


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About the author

Frank Kern

Frank skill's with IT industry has propelled him into many different online businesses, including book publishing, affiliate marketing, Clickbank Product Launch, niche business sites and SEO work. He helps people to make money working through the internet. Frank is also a budding author, with self-help being his favored genre. His titles to date include, Affiliate Marketing Blueprint, Facebook Marketing Mastery, YouTube Marketing 101, Clickbank Success Secret, Adsence Cash Cow, Ultimate Passive Income, Email Marketing Secret, CPA Marketing Success Secret, Career in Freelancing, Blogging Success and many more. He plans to follow these with even more titles in the future, to help as many people as he can to find the same success that he has.

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