Emotional Hygiene

by Red Broad

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4,600 words
15 illustrations
$CP 0.49


This book takes you through an 8 colour spectrum used to represent different mental states of the human mind, addressing the polar opposites of a particular emotion. Going through the book will assist with recognising your inner dialog and how you talk, act, feel and think about your world. The topics are; Imagination, human culture, grounding, creative flow, will power, compassion, expression, honesty, being present and gratitude. each time you read the book you are focusing on these colours and emotions, the book itself is the practice. I've put in people and material that have personally helped and inspired me to illustrate this book. I am very proud to have added my toy pattern of my character Max, which took me a year to learn and complete. I have included my 31 day Solfeggio tuning fork recordings to share with anyone dealing with head fog or anxiety, for meditation and relaxing purposes.

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Knowledge Elements

Reading Intent

Purpose: Self-help
Reader's Existing Knowledge: Beginner (introduction)
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: 18-25 New adult

Example Forms

Author's Personal Anecdotes: None
Citations: Footnoted or linked in context
Examples and Case Studies: Occasional examples or case studies
Exercises and Reader Questions: Some questions or exercises

Writing Style

Humor: Just a bit of fun or humor
Narrative: Second person (instructive)


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About the author

Red Broad

Im an Illustrator and creative designer. I first drew my character Max at 14, I started with personalised PEAPLE characters for those who lost loved ones, I would gift a painting of their family to celebrate that persons life. I then started a mission to not have only a franchise to sell but to share and gift human nature and culture in a light hearted way. My brand lays on 3 pillars: Emotional Hygiene, Human culture and Frequency. I have studied sound therapy and frequency for 5 years exploring and training in Biolfield tuning and Tibetan bowl playing. I absolutely believe that sound can change our state of mind quicker than we can. Resonance in our manor, speech and thoughts can change our world and thats why I wrote this book.