The Daily Six

6 Simple Steps to find the Perfect Balance Between Success and Significance

by John Chappelear

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165 min
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Are you're a Type A, stressed out, work, work, work achievement junkie, who's not really satisfied with the life you're living? And you don't really appreciate the "touchy-feely" pseudo-psychologist self-improvement gurus writing today?

Well, I've got an excellent book recommendation for you.

The Daily Six is written by a hard-driving, Type A, no-nonsense businessman who ran headlong into the "brick wall of enlightenment." Chappelear calls that brick way his "Gift of Devastation." That "gift" helped him change his focus and his life. He learned how to build a whole and balanced life for himself, his family, and his company. The Daily Six lays out how to adopt Chappelear's six simple tenets and start taking the actions that will produce the same balance and positive results without the need for a brick wall.

You'll find John Chappelear is someone you can respect and believe because he's lived these real-world experiences, and he makes perfect sense.

Like the good businessman he is, Chappelear gets right to his six key points. Next, he outlines and explains how to use these six practices. And how to incorporate them into your daily life. The result is a sense of becoming more successful, prosperous, and personally fulfilled. John's minimalist approach includes exactly enough instructive detail and plenty of apt anecdotes to keep a smooth flow of interest in this comfortable and very readable book. He is both succinct and persuasive.

Best of all, he doesn't ask you to add time and tasks to your already hectic life. He asks you to change your focus and select the most important things you can do to live well and happily.

And to drop the unnecessary busyness, stress, and worry that you never needed in the first place. Take the short time needed to read this book. You'll be glad.


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Knowledge Elements

Reading Intent

Purpose: Self-help
Reader's Existing Knowledge: Beginner (introduction)
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Working Age Adults

Example Forms

Author's Personal Anecdotes: Frequent or continual
Citations: Mentioned, but not linked or footnoted
Examples and Case Studies: Heavy use of a single or small number of specific examples or cases
Exercises and Reader Questions: Some questions or exercises

Writing Style

Humor: Just a bit of fun or humor
Narrative: Second person (instructive)


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About the author

John Chappelear

For the last 20 years, my work has been focused on helping build more positive people and organizations, primarily on emotionally balanced leadership, engagement, and corporate culture. The products are delivered through workshops, keynote talks, and individual coaching, since COVID they are delivered virtually. In the first 20 years of my career, I started, built, and ran five companies in the Washington DC area, from start-up to top national producers. My clients are worldwide focusing primarily on the US, Europe and the Middle East, and North Africa. I am considered a thought leader in the fields of leadership, corporate culture, and communication. In 2006 I wrote The Daily Six, which won the Best-Book Award from USABookNews. As an expert, I have published over 100 articles on effective leadership and corporate culture, through publications both nationally and internationally. Each week I publish The Positive Thought for the Week and The Daily Nudge, they have a combined weekly audience of over 3000 subscribers. In each issue, I discuss ways to reducing stress, emotional balance, organizational change, and simple joy-filled living.