Divine Space Gods 3 (Divine Space Gods #3)

Rangda's Shenanigans

by Martin Lundqvist

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When the Divine Plan is stupid, humanity’s future is at stake.

Due to an unfortunate calendar mistake, the Divine Plan faces a hiccup. Instead of giving birth to the Chosen One, the Martian Rebel Keila Eisenstein unleashes the evil Space Demon Rangda Kaliankan and her army of man-eating Xenos upon humankind.

“Fortunately”, The True Maker, the supreme deity of the Milky Way Galaxy, has a plan for dealing with the new threat. To convince Keila’s ex Metatron to find a surrogate mother for his and Keila’s unborn embryo, so the Chosen One can be born and sort out the mess that the True Maker caused. Six months later, Sabina is born.

Meanwhile, the new German leader, Hilda Muller realises how to save Earth from the Xeno invasion. Since the Germans haven’t won a war in a millennium, she bribes the Xeno invaders with copious quantities of German beer, which saves Earth. Because of Hilda’s grand plan, she is promoted to planetary leader.

Having failed to invade Earth, Rangda comes up with a new plan. She allies with the Martian Madman Melchior Dorevitch and his cannibal army. Together they defeat Rangda’s ancient enemies the Zetans. After this, Rangda, and Melchior begins an odyssey around the Milky Way looking for the magical plot devices, the Zeto Crystals.

Eventually, Rangda has all the Zeto Crystals, and Sabina, as the Chosen One, has to face Rangda. But there is an issue… Sabina hasn’t trained and doesn’t seem very keen to carry out the Divine Plan.

In the end, only a miracle can save us!

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Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: Major use of profanity
Sexual Content: Occasional detailed sex scene
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Working Age Adults
Violence: Death, but minimal violence


Geography: Space - Our Galaxy
Realism: Science well beyond modern definitions, bordering on fantasy
Setting Type: Fantasy
Time Period: 2200 - 2999

Main Character

Age: Other or N/A
Gender: Other or N/A
Race: Deity
Religion: Fictional Monotheistic Religion
Sexual Preference: Irrelevant or N/A

Styles & Themes

Humor: Laughs take priority over all else
Inspires Reader to Feel: N/A or None of the above
Mysteries & Puzzles: None or only very minor mysteries
Pacing: Moves quickly
Physical Action: Frequent action, driven by threat to safety or life by antagonist(s)
Political/Social Commentary: Politics irrelevant to story
Romance: Minor romance, not a significant story driver
Genre Humor
  • Laughs take priority over all else


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About the author

Martin Lundqvist

My background I am a Swedish male born in 1985. After graduating university in 2009, I haven't achieved much career wise and I currently work as a hospitality attendant and a soccer referee. My resume is available on one of the tabs of this homepage if you can help me change that. ;) I have been in Australia since 2012, and I have been with my partner Elaine Hidayat since 2013. My writing roots When I was younger I used to write blogs for the joy of writing and for attention. Unfortunately ,my blogs were pretty controversial and caused me more problems in life than I bargained for, so eventually I gave up on blogging. In 2013 an acquaintance suggested that I wrote fiction instead of blogs. With a fair bit of enthusiasm I wrote my first book, a psychological crime thriller James Locker: The Duality of Fate back in 2013. It was an unpublished flop and I lost inspiration and couldn't be bothered to write the sequel I had started on. In late 2016, I decided to take up book writing again as it is a hobby with more potential upside than playing video games in my spare time. Lacking the enthusiasm I had in writing the first book, my Science Fiction novel The Divine Dissimulation took well over year to write, clearly because I currently write as a hobby and not as a profession. Thanks to Amazon self-publishing, The Divine Dissimulation has sold 50 copies. Unfortunately the vast majority of them I have bought myself to give away to friends and family. In spite of my lack of financial progress, I am still halfway on my third book, The Divine Insurrection. My style My personal approach to writing is that I write what I feel like writing with limited regards to what others want to read. As my works are work of fiction I tend to include controversial topics, as I am not bound to political correct self-censorship. My independence in book writing is not because I inherently want to rebel against what people want to read, but simply because I have no idea what people do want to read, hence I might as well write what I want to write and hope for the best. The writing style is quite different in my two novels. While James Locker is mostly character and dialogue driven, The Divine Dissimulation is mostly driven by concept and world building. I aim to make The Divine Insurrection a hybrid between the two extremes.

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